Land Tax Relief (Corona Virus 2020 – COVID-19)

The Victorian Government and State Revenue Office (SRO) of Victoria has recently announce a “land tax relief” reduction of up to 25% and deferral in payment due date. To read the full guidelines please open the link here, or watch the video here. Alternatively a summary is as below.

Oceantralian Summary

25% reduction in land tax.
Payment defer up to 31st of March 2021 for their 2020 land tax assessment.


If property is tenant:

  • Tenant’s cannot normal rent due to be coronavirus.
  • Landlord & tenants agreed to a reduced rent.
  • Rent reduction (in dollar terms) must be at least 25% of the 2020 proportional tax for that property.
  • (For commercial property please see Jobkeeper and SRO Article)

Supporting Documents Required:

  1. Lease agreement or written evidence of lease and rent before coronavirus pandemic.
  2. Written evidence of rent reduction or waiver as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
  3. Any other supporting documents.

If property is NOT tenanted:

  • Property is available for lease/rent.
  • Tenant is not secured due to coronavirus.

Supporting Documents Required:

  1. Date of property become available for rent.
  2. Advertisement of rental amount and date of advertisement (if applicable) and evidence of advert.
  3. Property manager agreement (if applicable)
  4. Any other supporting documents.

To apply, please visit the State Revenue Office (SRO) (click me)

Need help? We can help you:

  • Applying for Land Tax relief
  • Property management & tenant
  • Further inquiry or question?

Contact us

Alternatively, book in for an appointment to see us: Contact us: https://oceantralian.com/contact/

Import our Contact to your phone, outlook or contact sheet.

Jobkeeper (Corona Virus 2020 – COVID-19)

The Australia Government has introduced a number of support for business that is greatly affected by the coronavirus. The best place for more information is at Business.gov.au (click me).

Oceantralian Summary

This article is relevant to Business Owners (Employers) and Sole Trader. Employee may also be interested in this article to assists your Employers in applying for this scheme. Please note that Not-for-profit organization and high threshold business will not be summarize in this article.

This article will be relevant only to the JobKeeper Scheme, please read the full page here.

The Jobkkeeper Payment or Scheme is as follow:

“Under the JobKeeper Payment, businesses impacted by the coronavirus will be able to access a subsidy to continue paying their employees. The Government will provide a fortnightly payment of $1,500 per eligible employee until 27 September 2020.”

Which is approximately maximum 6 months time, this may be changes in the future. Please see example here on how it can help your business. Click me.

JobKeeper Eligibility

  1. On 1st of March 2020, you carried business in Australia.
  2. Employed at least 1 eligible employee on 1st of March 2020.
  3. This employee is currently employed by your business that you will be claiming for.
  4. Your business has 30% fall in turnover (aggregated $1 billion or less)
  5. Not an ineligible business categories.

For Sole Trader the criteria is in most part the same, except you nominated yourself instead of your employee.

Calculating turnover

Please see your Accounting if you need help with calculation.

The turnover calculation is based on GST turnover (even if you are not registered for GST). For businesses with multiple entities, GST is aggregated.

Eligible employees

  1. Employed by your on the 1st of March 2020.
  2. Permanent full-time or part-time. If casual please see guide:
  3. At least 16 years old and is an Australian residents on/at 1st of March 2020.
  4. Employee nominate the employer for Jobkeeper (only 1 employer can be nominated)
  5. Not an recipient of conflicting payment.
  6. Were not employed after the 1st of March 2020 or left Employment before 1st of March 2020.


Starting from 20th of April you may Apply for Jobkeeper scheme. Previously Jobkeeper enrollment date is by 30th April 2020, however it has been extended to the 31st May 2020.

How to Apply?

You will need to apply with Australian Taxation Office (ATO), a comprehensive guide is found here.

For some business you may have to:

  1. Registered for myGOVID (require a Smartphone: Android or Apple)
  2. Linked myGOVID with your Business (RAM)
  3. Access your Business Portal (update your business detail if applicable).
  4. Signed up Nomination Notice form for each individual employee you are claiming for. Check your eligibility.
  5. Enroll for the Jobkeeper Scheme.
  6. Before submitting, ensure you are eligible for the Jobkeeper Payment. Submit your Application. Be sure to keep a receipt of your application (print or save). You may required this documents to provide to your Lessor for business rent relief.
  7. Make monthly Business declaration.

Contact your Accountant if you require helps.

Need help? We can help you:

  • Create myGOVID and registration for your Business Portal.
  • Administration including Application and Form.
  • Refer you to an Accountant or BAS Agent.
  • Further inquiry or question?

Contact us

Alternatively, book in for an appointment to see us: Contact us: https://oceantralian.com/contact/

Import our Contact to your phone, outlook or contact sheet.

Corona Virus 2020 (COVID-19) – General Information

This article main purpose to provide various information for various individual or entity. It does not serve the purpose on always being up to date but as a general collection of information to help collate the various information of interest. Please note this is written from an Victorian resident perspective and not may be relevant for other state, however it may provide you an insight that is relevant to your state.

Oceantralian Summary

This article will be update over time so be sure to bookmark or open this page for review or refresh. It will be broken down into a few section as follow:

  1. Important website to relevant Coronavirus and Victoria resident.
  2. Relevant interest for certain parties.

Important Website

State of Victoriahttps://www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus – Most important website to stay up to date and various information

Youtube – COVID-19 news section. This section will show relevant COVID-19 news. News video is helpful for an visual-aid and they are usually summarized format.

Business AustraliaFor all businesses that is affected by the Coronavirus.

Know Your Council – Find out how your council can help you.

Department of Health and Human Services – For services to help you with health services, age care, communities, etc.

Job Opportunities – If you are affected due to lost of employment, this portal list a various job opportunities.

Consumer Affairs Victoria – Advice in the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic/disaster and many other consumer information.

Interested Party, Individual and Entity

This section explore some assistant that may be of interested to you.

Landlord, Home Owner, Property Investor

  • Contact your bank for Home Loan pause repayment.
  • Contact your Council and Water provider if you need further time to pay for your rate.
  • Contact your utilities provider.
  • Check if you are eligible for Land tax relief.
  • Filling out forms? Talking on your behalf? Perhaps we (Oceantralian) can help.

Tenant & Landlord

  • Discuss with your Landlord and Tenant in an agreement for rents relief.
  • Need a temporary residents? Negotiation? Perhaps we (Oceantralian) can help.

Business Owner, Employers & Companies

  • Speak with your Landlord if your business have a lease.
  • Applies for JobKeeper Payment scheme.
  • Move your business to a virtual at home platform.
  • Applies for a Business Loan.
  • Check if you are eligible for a Grant.
  • Certain business license fees may be waived or reduce.
  • Check for a GST ATO Tax Relief.
  • Working from home? Make sure your office is safe from unwanted office visitor.
  • Contact your Accountants or a Financial Consultant. Or perhaps we (Oceantralian) can also help.


  • Differentiate between when is school, education and holiday.
  • Study as you would, learn as you would.
  • Make you parent proud, don’t make them worry further.
  • Need help with Computer? Tutor? Homework? Perhaps we can help.


  1. Contact your bank if you have loans (personal) or credit card for a Pause in repayment.
  2. Applies for a JobSeeker payment with Centrelink.
  3. Keep up your fitness with exercise and walk. Gather some vitamin in your body during daylight from the sun.

FAQs & Question & General Information

Why must are “isolate” or “social distancing”? To protect you from being infect with this virus. Less exposure mean you are less likely to be infected, protecting you and your love one.

What are mask and hand-washing for? To lower your chance to being infected. Mask (require a filter type) may prevent the virus from entering through your nose and mouth. Washing you hands will help kill the virus if your hand came in contact with the virus, as we may often touch our nose and mouth we are may be using our hand to infected hand to give yourself an infection. In summary, to protect you.

Feeling sick or any sign of not in full health? Get tested right away, use the online assessment tool and seek further help on the 24-hour coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398.

General Etiquette

  1. Refrain from stockpile supplies and goods. For example: toilet paper, pasta, rice, etc.
  2. Respect everyone during interaction.
  3. Be a role model to your community, family and friends. E.g. social distance length even at home, out in public, etc.
  4. Support the less advantage opportunities. E.g. Check your neighbour if they need shopping done. Share you supplies. Allow them to go before you.

Need help? We can help you:

  • Help you understand information.
  • We are available online and at our office. Need us to come see you? Let us know.
  • Further inquiry or question?

Contact us

Alternatively, book in for an appointment to see us: Contact us: https://oceantralian.com/contact/

Import our Contact to your phone, outlook or contact sheet.