Next of Kin (without a Wills)

How is your Asset distributed without a Wills? Or an invalid one?

In case where there is no Wills or invalid Wills, then your asset need to pass the Supreme Court through an application progress. This application progress is usually made by the Next of Kin.

The Guide and Rules to dividing your asset follow a “Legislation” formulas set by the Victorian Government. Without a valid Wills you are unable to give your love’s one the inheritance as it is yours Wills.

The order which is considered your Next of Kins is as follow:

  • spouse/partner
  • children
  • parents
  • then siblings
  • then grandparents
  • then uncles and aunts
  • then cousins.

The estate is then pass to the government under a Crown Estate system when there are no living relatives.

See us to prepare yourself a valid Wills and ensure it is Executor correctly.