Monthly Archives: February 2020


This article is relevant to Business Owner (including services provider or sole trade) or administrations. Starting in early 2020, myGOVID (which is different for individual who use myGOV) will begin to be implemented. This initial will phase out what is known as AusKey, a secret password that Business Owner and Company use when communicating with[…]

Next of Kin (without a Wills)

How is your Asset distributed without a Wills? Or an invalid one? In case where there is no Wills or invalid Wills, then your asset need to pass the Supreme Court through an application progress. This application progress is usually made by the Next of Kin. The Guide and Rules to dividing your asset follow[…]

Next of Kin (in event of Decease)

The Definition of the terms “Next of Kin” varies from State to State and Country to Country. In this article we explore the Next of Kin in relation to Victoria, Australia in the event of reportable death. Please note that this may not be applicable for other event such as from Wills, Medical, etc. This[…]